
Monday, November 4, 2013

Be an Activist!

"A Leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done." - Ralph Nadar
There are many instances in life where a person can feel voiceless, a cause is going unnoticed, or an event is taking place that needs to be stopped. In these situations you can make a difference by standing up for what you believe in. When you are passionate about something you should speak your mind and find ways to help others in need. If you come forward and offer someone help or when you speak out against some wrongdoing you are being an activist.
What are you passionate about? Are there any causes, movements, or issues that you are interested in and would like to learn more about? Current events and causes that interest you can inspire many new ideas for your designs. For your next assignment you are going to create an Activist Poster. Check out the handout to learn more.

Image designed by Jess Sand

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Your Final paper will be handed in on the exam block along with your completed final projects.
Type up a storm!

Final Paper

Your final paper is a reflection on the process of creating a self-promotion package. You are to think about what you went through from the first brainstorming days to completing the project. You are to write a paper that uses thought and analysis of what the process entailed for you. I want you to think about the choices you made for the piece and then analyze why you made these choices.

The following format will help guide your paper. Write a 1-2 page, typed essay. Each paragraph should have a minimum of three sentences describing the question. Answer the following questions in your paper. You must include an introductory and concluding paragraph.

1). Introduce you final project

2). What was the theme to your design? What are you promoting about yourself? Who is the piece for? What job, or college?

3). How do the images and color scheme of the design work with the theme?

4). What is the process that the client will go through as they investigate your design? Where will they start and how will they end up? What is the big “prize in your design? How would you want them to react to the piece?

5). How have you used typography in your design? Discuss how the font, size, placement, color and even the information work with the theme?

6). What were some of your favorite software “tricks” used in the piece?

7). What is the best part of your design?

8). Conclusion

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Design Templates

Check out these design Templates. They may help in your final project designs and give some new inspiration in the development and planing stages.


. . . and try out these key words in a google image search: Package Design Portfolio, Package Design Templates

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Design Time!!!

Well, it's that time of year to start up your final exams. You are going to be using your software skills you have been developing over the semester to design and produce a unique object. The object or "package" should meet a series of goals.
1) It should represent YOU.
2) It presents information about you to a client - in words, colors and in pictures.
3) It involves the client in discovering the information - they must do something to get the message - keeping them involved is important.
4) It should be able to hold a CD of your work from the semester.
5) Everything about it works with the overall theme.

Begin by Brainstorming. What possible designs, objects, packages would you like to make? Possible ideas are: Pop-up Card or Book, Accordion Book, Puzzle, Mystery Box, Organic Shape, Geometric Shape, CD case, Unfolding Poster, Unfolding Shape, Origami, Wearable Object, ETC.

Make sure to follow your handout and to stay on task. There are many important steps and requirements to fill so look at the checklist provided.

Link to check out for creative ideas are:

Drexel University Student Portfolio
Colin Huggard
Smashing Magazine
Paper Objects search

Image from Hajime Himeno.

Monday, May 16, 2011

CD's Rock! So Design the look of one!

Designers have the power to transform the listening experience into a visual form that best represents what you hear. CD and Record design is a great form of expression where you can listen to song lyrics, bass lines and compositions and develop a package that will hold this information.
Your job is to design the CD's artwork from start to finish. Check out Storm Thorgerson, Rune Mortensen, Tappin Gofton and Jacob Escobedo. Also the sites and have some great examples.

Check out the Handout below.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Weird and Wild side of Photoshop

45 Strange and Funny Photoshop Manipulations – A weird combination!!

Check out this link for some more inspiration in your designs. Photoshop can give you the opportunity to make technically sound designs as well as visually appealing artwork. Think of different ways to manipulate photographs into new and creative ways. Go HERE!

Image by: Christophe Huet Check out the link to his work HERE.