
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fonts Fonts Fonts!

There are so many fonts that can be used in creating a design that it can be overwhelming at times. So how do you choose? Think about the message you are trying to send. Do you want the information to be read clearly as if on a street sign? or do you want to show a more formal look to your work as if designing an invitation to an event? The font you select makes a huge difference in the way the viewer looks at the design. To access important information on a document you want to make sure that it is easily legible. So what are some fonts that most designers are using today you ask?? Well check out the article "Top 7 Fonts Used by Professionals in Graphic Design."
Here you will see what the practicing designers are using and it should provide you with some new thoughts about your selection of font.
Image taken from:

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