
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Surrealist Designs


1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of surrealism; surrealistic.

2.having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic

A movement in art and literature that flourished in the early twentieth century. Surrealism aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control.

Working in a Surrealist style is a great and fun way to learn new techniques in Photoshop. Surrealist artists create artworks that "propose to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought. Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation."
The work that was being produced by these artists had characteristics of dreams and as if the work was held in a dreamlike state.
The artists were strongly influenced by Freud's dream analysis and the hidden unconscious.

Photoshop allows the designer to juxtapose images in a way that challenge the perceptions of reality. Let your mind wonder through a series of images and create a surrealist dreamlike scene.

Check out the site Graphic Mania for some inspirtation. You can get to cool Surrealist Photoshop works HERE.

Take a look at the Handout for Guidelines:

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