
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who's That Designer?!

Learning more about Graphic Designers will not only introduce you to new styles of design, but give you the opportunity to learn more about contemporary practices in design. Is there a particular style you like? Are you drawn to poster or CD designs? Do you like activist, voting or political posters?
Each designer holds a personal style. What is it about their style that you like? Is the use of clean lines and typography or photomontages and specific imagery to portray a message?

Your job is to research a graphic designer and create a 13x19 poster that represents them.
Requirements for the poster are:
1) 13x19
2) Provide background info.
3) Show and describe a design of theirs.
4) Include at least 4 (credited) images.
5) The poster should be made in the style of the designer.

These links may help you start your search for designers.

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